
Blender Productivity tips: PME Presets + iCue Corsair macros

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Blender Productivity tips: PME Presets + iCue Corsair macros

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Discover a unique combination of Pie Menu Editor presets, mouse keymaps, and macros designed to accelerate your modeling and animation tasks in Blender.

1. This presets require you to get the Pie Menu Editor addon (not affiliate).

2. I recommend to get a Corsair gaming mouse with macro buttons (I personally use an Ironclaw).

3. I recommend to get Machin3tools.

Know more about how and why I created these presets.

What am I downloading?

  • supermenus.json: A collection of preset menus and submenus for the Pie Menu Editor.
  • blender.cueprofile: A custom mouse profile tailored for Corsair mouse users.
  • guideline.txt: Recommendations for keymaps to optimize your workflow.
  • Additional .py scripts for further customization and efficiency.

How do I install these?

  1. Pie Menu Editor Required: Ensure Pie Menu Editor is installed. If not, download it here.
  2. Import the .json file into PME to add various menus and submenus along with their shortcuts.
  3. For Corsair Mouse Users: Install iCue if it's not already on your system. Download it here.
  4. In iCue's Dashboard, import the blender.cueprofile and link it to your Blender application (edit profile > linked apps).
  5. Adjust your keymaps according to the guidelines provided.
  6. Follow the instructions below to locate and implement custom scripts.

About the Scripts

Custom scripts, accessible as one-liners within the json file or as separate Python files, enhance functionality. Here’s how to use external Python scripts with PME.

  1. Navigate to the settings of the intended button.
  2. Click on the hamburger icon to the right.
  3. Select 'call external script'.

PME buttons that need an external script:

  • Modeling Tools
    • Modeling - Scale & Flatten
      • X (icon): call scale_x_O.py
      • Y (icon): call scale_y_O.py
      • Z (icon): call scale_z_O.py
    • Modeling - Transform

(Optionnal) My custom addons:

  • Guide Mesh <> Dual Mesh Editor: a full-fledged addon tailored for car modelers working with the Shrinkwrap modifier. Get it here.
  • Camera Cycle: Cycle through your Scene's cameras with Alt+0. Get it here.


This workflow is dynamic and will continue to evolve as part of my Blender setup. I encourage you to use this as a foundation to craft your own customized menus, scripts, and shortcuts. For an in-depth look at my workflow, visit my blog post.

Current version: V1.1

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